Caste Wise Population In Bihar. The caste wise population of BIHAR Bramins 57% Bhumihar 47% Rajput 52% Yadav 144% Kurmi 4% Kushwaha 8% Muslim 17% Kayastha 2% Baniya 6% Teli 3% Mushahar 2% Dusadh 4% Total 100%.
Bihar Most Aware State On Caste Census 56 Want Information Released from ThePrint
At the 2011 Census Bihar was the third most populous state of India with total population of 104099452 nearly 89% of it rural It was also India's most densely populated state with 1106 persons per square kilometre The sex ratio was 918 females per 1000 males Almost 58% of Bihar's population was below 25 years age which is the highest in India At 113% Bihar has the secondlowest urbanisation rate in India after Himachal Pradesh Most of Bihar's population belongs to a collection of e.
What is the population of Bihar, caste by caste? Quora
Bihar is the third most populous state of India and has a diverse population of many religions & communities At the census 2011 out of 1040 Crore population around 86 crores (8269%) have returned themselves as followers of Hindu religion & 175 crores (1687%) as Muslims or the followers of Islam Christian Sikh Jain Buddhist & other religions are less than 1% and 024% people have stated as No religion.
Biharis Wikipedia
Bihari society follows a very rigid caste system which influences daily life and politics The 2011 Census of India indicated that Scheduled Castes constituted 15% of Bihar's 104 crores population The census identified 21 of 23 Dalit subcastes as Mahadalits.
Bihar Most Aware State On Caste Census 56 Want Information Released
Bihar Population by Religion 2021 Caste wise Poplaution
Demographics of Bihar Wikipedia
Caste Wise Population of Bihar PSCNOTES.IN
Caste system in Bihar The population of the Bihar is approximately 104099452 The population density is 1102 per sq Km There are various ethnic group reside here and mainly three ethnolinguistics groups are Bhojpuri Maithili and Magahis.