Fathul Wahid. Dr Fathul WAHID is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Informatics Universitas Islam Indonesia He received his Bachelor’s degree in Informatics from Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia and his Master’s and PhD degrees in Information Systems from University of Agder Norway.
Themes Of Research On Egovernment In Developing Countries Current M from SlideShare
Fathul Wahid The paper proposes an analytical framework to explain history of eGovernment implementation over a certain period of time in the context of developing countries.
Fathul Wahid YouTube
Fathul Wahid Professor in Information Systems Research interest eGovernment eParticipation information and communication technology for development (ICT4D.
Fathul Wahid Google Scholar
Fathul Wahid Professor in Information Systems Universitas Islam Indonesia Verified email at uiiacid Homepage Information Systems eGovernment ICT4D Enterprise Systems eParticipation Articles Cited by Coauthors Title Sort Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title.
Fathul Wahid Islamic University of Indonesia Academia.edu
Fathul Wahid Islamic University of Indonesia Department of Informatics Department Member Studies eGovernment ICT4D and Enterprise Systems NonIT Inclusive.
Themes Of Research On Egovernment In Developing Countries Current M
Fathul Wahid Jurusan Informatika Fakultas Teknologi
Indonesia l Dr Fathul WAHID, Rector, Universitas Islam
Jejak kehidupan Fathul Wahid
in Information Systems Professor PhD Fathul WAHID
Pak dosen Fathul Wahid sy juga lulusan muhi 92 lho cuma nggak sekondang pak dosenProfesi saya sekarang jualan dingklik yang dibikin temantemannya pak dosen di kampung halaman Menganti sm keling hehe Setelah nglamar kerjaan sanasini dan diPHK sanasini akhirnya pulang kandang ke Jogja Salam buat Mas Fathul dan keluarga njih.