Gps Xtra Data. The XTRA interface is to support a Qualcomm specific feature for the GPS implementation on the G1 It is used for downloading long term orbit predictions from a Qualcomm server For other GPS.
Aim Base Receiver Entacore Electronics Advanced Gps Tracking Flight Computer Rocket Altimeter from AIM BASE receiver | Entacore Electronics- Advanced GPS tracking flight computer / rocket altimeter.
I think that the Samsung GPS driver downloads systematically xtradata so it takes XX additional seconds If you have not suppressed the previous xtrabin file I would say that with your speed connection XX = 15 seconds rolleyes Please let us know PS You should have stop the generation of GPS log file in order to improve GPS reception.
xtra3grcbin – XTRA 30 files providing GPS GLO and BDS assistance data (protected by a digital signature) These files have been available since 2014 With the help of LineageOS contributor Louis Popi aka h2o64 we verified that these changes would force the phones to download the almanac data via insecure HTTP channels.
XTRA data, why gps probably does not work ok i9x0 Omnia
The Company's new gpsOneXTRA Assistance technology provides enhanced operation for StandaloneGPS by enabling a user to download a small assistance data file through a brief Internet access session gpsOneXTRA Assistance technology provides benefits such as a faster timetofix and operation indoors and in challenging environments for up to seven days.
Qualcomm Introduces gpsOneXTRA Assistance to Expand
[Patched] EXCLUSIVE: Your OnePlus phone may be downloading
gpsOneXTRA Assistance technology definition Qualcomm's new gpsOneXTRA Assistance technology provides enhanced operation by enabling a user to download a small assistance data file through a.