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Hora is written as होरा in Sanskrit होरा is derived from (अ)होरा (त्र) The time duration of one day and one night is known as अहोरात्र In Vedic time keeping it is the duration from one sunrise to next sunrise Hence Hora word has been derived after.
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hora ( uncountable ) A branch of traditional Indian astrology dealing with the finer points of predictive methods References ^ “hora” in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition (2008) Anagrams Haro Hoar ROAH haor haro hoar oh ar Asturian Etymology From Latin hōra (“hour”) Noun hora m ( plural hores ).
Hora, Hora Today, Horai, Subha Horai, Auspicious Time …
Hora or Horai refers to a division of time as propounded by the Vedic system of Astrology It divides a day of 24 hours into 24 durations of time and each of these divisions is known as a Hora.
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The word Hora (होरा) is believed to have come from the word Ahorätra which means “day and night” Tamil word corresponding to hora is Horai or Orrai (ஹோரை or ஓரை) and is considered an important aspect of Tamil Panchangam Each hora is ruled by one the first seven of the nine lords.
Hora Wikipedia La Enciclopedia Libre
Hora today: auspicious timing of today’s hora 27 January
Meaning MerriamWebster Hora Definition &
hóra Wiktionary
Horai Timings (Wednesday, Hora Today’s January 26th
Horário de Brasília Hora Certa Oficial do Brasil
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hora dance Britannica
Hora (dance) Wikipedia
Hora Spanish to English Translation SpanishDict
hora — Wiktionnaire
hora actual Hora en Lima exacta Perú, Lima, husos horarios ????
en España es La hora actual time
Hora local actual en Venezuela World Time Server
Hora en Ciudad de México hora actual exacta México
Shubha Horai Hora Table for Redmond, Washington, …
Time.is Hora exacta, cualquier zona horaria
Hora exacta zona horaria diferente zona horaria salida del sol/puesta del sol y datos clave para España × Timeis La hora actual en España es 180557 PM Martes Enero 25 2022 Semana 4 España (Incluir Islas Canarias) tiene 2 zonas horarias La zona horaria de la capital Madrid está siendo utilizada Sol ↑ 0830AM ↓ 1824PM (9h 54m) Más información.