Kamen Sentai Gorider. In the Kamen Sentai Gorider miniseries Hojo transforms Kaito Kumon Kazuma Kenzaki Kiriya Kujo Yoko Minato and Kaoru Kino into Akarider Aorider Kirider Momorider and Midorider respectively to assist him in defeating a backup copy of Kuroto Dan and his monstrous ally Totema Totema Totema (トーテマ Tōtema) is a mysterious monster who appears in the web.
The Blue Sentai Ranger (青い戦隊レンジャー Aoi Sentai Renjā) or Blue Warrior (青い戦士 Aoi Senshi) is a designation given to one character in every incarnation of Super Sentai having been on all but one team (the Patrangers) Blue Rangers are almost always male though five of them have been female Four of the five female Blue Rangers wear a lighter shade of blue (sky blue.
Kamen Rider ExAid Kamen Rider Wiki Fandom
An iteration of the fiveman Dairanger team in the Game World faced off against Team ExAid in the first round of the Chou Super Hero Taisen tournament competing for the title of Kamen Sentai Gorider only to be bested by the RiderSentai team TV STORYKamen Rider × Super Sentai Chou Super Hero Taisen 50 years later.
List of Kamen Rider ExAid characters Wikipedia
Kamen Rider ExAid (仮面ライダーエグゼイド Kamen Raidā Eguzeido) is a Japanese tokusatsu drama in Toei Company’s Kamen Rider Series It is the eighteenth series in the Heisei period run and the twentyseventh series overall The series started on October 2 2016 joining Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger in the Super Hero Time lineup after the finale of Kamen Rider Ghost Starting.
Gorider Bazooka Kamen Rider Wiki Fandom
Category:Dairangers RangerWiki Fandom
Dramanice List All Movies
仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊 超スーパーヒーロー大戦 Wikipedia
Kamen Rider OOO 10th Core Medal Resurrection (2022) Kamen Rider Revice The Movie (2021) Kamen Rider ZeroOne REAL×TIME Kamen Rider ZiO Over Quartzers Kamen Rider Beyond Generations (2021) Kamen Sentai Gorider Kamikaze Girls Kamikaze Taxi Kamogawa Horumo 2009 (Battle League Horumo) Kamome Diner Kamoshirenai Joyutachi 2016 Kamui Gaiden.