Line Seizure. In a communications system the prevention by a user of further use of a line by another user or by an attendant ie an operator See also call hold communications system line line holding operator user .
Pfr4 Ec Power Failure Restore Dialer from NoOutage
Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug recommended as a firstline treatment for focal seizures and primary and secondary generalised tonicclonic seizures It is also licensed for typical absence seizures in children (but efficacy may not be maintained in all children) and is an unlicensed treatment option in adults if firstline treatments have been unsuccessful.
Proper Line Seizure Assurance Made Simple for Security
Line seizure is a function performed by an alarm panel in which all phones faxes etc on the same communication circuit are temporarily disconnected so that an alarm signal from the control panel can be transmitted to the alarm receiving equipment without any physical or electrical interruption.
Line Seizure
Line seizure is what makes it possible for your security system to kick you off the phone and “seize the phone line” in order to contact the monitoring station and alert them of an alarm If you.
Pfr4 Ec Power Failure Restore Dialer
Epilepsy Treatment summary BNF content published by NICE
Line Seizure? What??? Medical Alert Advice
line seizure SpringerLink
Well basically it is But what happens if someone is already on the phone? That’s where “line seizure” comes in Line seizure basically disconnects the telephone in your home so that your medical alert monitoring system can then take over the phone line to make the call to the central monitoring station It “seizes” the line.