Remove Project Android Studio. List item Use Windows File Explorer to navigate to the Android Studio project directory (normally in Select the project to delete Press Delete (NOT Backspace!).
How To Export An Android Studio Project from
Delete Android Studio Projects Open Android Studio Welcome Screen Just hover you mouse over the Project under the list “Recent Projects” at the right (do not click) Now press Delete you will get an Alert window “Remove the project from recent project list?” click yes! Thats it!.
import Remove Project from Android Studio Stack Overflow
To remove android studio project from project directory follow the following simple instructions Step 1 Go to your android project directory C\Users\HP\AndroidStudioProjects Step 2 Select the project which you want to delete Step 3 Just press delete button from key board.
Delete a Project in Android Studio IDE Tek Eye
15 March 2015 Close project in Android Studio close Android Studiodeleteproject using the OS file manager (delete from disk) and reopen Android Studio Worked for me Android Studio v11 MS Windows Show activity on this post You can always navigate to android studio workspace directory (where your projects are saved) and delete the.
How To Export An Android Studio Project
How to delete a project in Android Studio 0.8.9? Stack Overflow
Delete Android Studio Projects Code2care
How to Remove/Delete Android Project from Android Studio
In Android Studio to remove a project (or Project Group) from the Recent Projects list click the X The X is in the righthand corner for the entry when the mouse pointer highlights that entry (Alternatively use the context menu normally rightclick and select Remove Selected from Welcome Screen ).